Twitter Widget

Unfortunately, and perhaps deliberately, Twitter (currently known as X), no longer allows embedded timelines to be displayed without a user being logged into a Twitter account on his current browser. What's worse, in place of the timeline, Twitter returns a message that states the user hasn't tweeted yet, which in the vast majority of cases for embedded times is completely untrue!

While many are still waiting for an official solution, we've set up a quick and easy fix. We did our best to exactly mirror the syntax used by Twitter so that only very minimal changes are necessary to the source code.

Enter the twitter handle into the textbox below, then click Generated Code to display and copy the script into your html.

How it Works

The script embedded in your HTML will make a post call on pageload to our site, which will the use a Selenium function (using a browser that *is* logged in to Twitter) to pull the html from a dummy page that only contains the real Twitter HTML widget. That html is then save to a temporary folder on our server and returned in the post response, which the script then sets as the src of an iframe it creates.

Note: Due to volume and efficiency, the feed will pull the live tweets at a maximum of 10 minute intervals, i.e. if you've tweeted in the last ten minutes and the feed has been pulled (through our script) in the last ten minutes, no tweets from the last ten minutes will show up. This means that the Twitter feed embedded in your site may be, at most, ten minutes out of date. For most purposes, this won't matter, but if this is a problem in your case, please contact customer support.

Alternative Method

If the anchor/script method doesn't work for you because your development environment doesn't allow you to render custom HTML elements, fear not!

Enter your Twitter handle into the textbox above and select your theme, then click the button below to return a unique link to your Twitter widget that can be used in an iframe. This cached html page will update every 30 minutes.